Fabio Zanini

Fabio Zanini

fabio DOT zanini AT unsw DOT edu DOT au

I love single cell biology, data science, graphs, coding, fighting viral infections, the immune system, and rock climbing.

Priscilla Boon

Priscilla Boon

p DOT boon AT unsw DOT edu DOT au

I love working at the interphase of computer science and biology. I enjoy interpreting and deciphering meaning from all kinds of biological data. Outside of work I enjoy eating and cooking really good food and making things with my hands.

Ying Xu

Ying Xu

yingxu3 AT unsw DOT edu DOT au

I am a Software Engineer working on cell atlas approximations and human-machine interfaces. Outside of work, I like photography, swimming, and cats.

Catherine Gatt

Catherine Gatt

c DOT gatt AT unsw DOT edu DOT au

I am a PhD student with a keen interest in computational biology, single-cell transcriptomics and evolution. Beyond studying, I love scuba diving and hiking.

Sara Shavandi

Sara Shavandi

s DOT shavandi AT unsw DOT edu DOT au

I am a PhD student and I love biology, specially bioinformatics. Apart from science I am a big fan of nature and love hiking and climbing. Also, I love literature and Philosophy.

Martina Bonomi

Martina Bonomi

m DOT bonomi AT unsw DOT edu DOT au

I am a PhD student with a particular love for T cells working on T cell receptor structure predictions with AI and single-cell analysis. In my free time I like going on long walks by the sea, drawing and cooking.

Michael Li

Michael Li

yijie DOT li DOT 1 AT student DOT unsw DOT edu DOT au

I am an (incoming) PhD student with a keen interest in computational biology, and studies about how machine learning can be used in general medicine & health area. Beyond studying, I love playing badminton and video games.

Liuyi Chen

Liuyi Chen

liuyi DOT chen1 AT  unsw DOT edu DOT au

I am a student intern working on cell atlases. I enjoy studying human disease, especially genomics and immunology. I am honoured to contribute to the advancement of medicine.

Amber Xu

Amber Xun

xinyi DOT xu7 AT student DOT unsw DOT edu DOT au

I’m a student intern working on cell atlas approximation, and I’m interested in cancer studies. I love dogs, animals, and books.


Collaborators and kindred labs

Some friendly labs that are full of smart, kind people:

A cazencotte
I neherlab
B Einav lab
I The Big One
B Alvira lab
A bedford.io
B Goo Lab
F ciralab
B Bloom lab
B Cornfield lab
B Pimanda lab